“You create your reality.”
We’ve heard this phrase so often that our minds gloss over its essential significance and fundamental truth to our experience on this planet. That is the risk of something becoming overly saturated, we become numb to its divine subtleties. In order to resurrect those ideas and beliefs that are foundational to our souls, we must slow down and sink into the significance that those four words represent. To be alive is to be engaged with each and every experience, down to the subtle feeling of your hair falling over your ear to the thoughts that pass through the vast and mysterious ocean of your mind. We cannot change that which we are not conscious of, so in order to grow we must remain aware to our thoughts, feelings and physical sensations. The monk is one who watches the thoughts waft around ones mind until all attachment to thought and body ceases and the individual transcends all forms of separateness altogether. This is an enlightening experience, but if no one is home, so to speak, then how can we decorate our inner temple? For some, emptiness is the ultimate state of being, and while I believe it is important to know how to tap into that space of emptiness within oneself at will, I do not perceive it as the ultimate goal like I once did. Rather, I am focused now on harnessing the natural mechanics of our mind for personal growth and evolution of self. Watch the seasons, they do not cling to remain as they are, but effortlessly evolve from one state into the next. Everything changes and yet it all remains the same. That is the journey, to evolve our temporal reality on this planet into that of our dreams all the while knowing that at the center of our being, we are a timeless, infinite soul.
My own personal journey with actively creating my reality is about evolving my questioning of “what if my reality doesn’t match the reality that others hold?”. This questioning comes from a fear of being perceived as having a mental disorder if my version of reality is perceived as too different from someone elses. But we as individuals are not subject to the reality of others, we are not bound by anything but our own perceived limitations. Only you alone hold yourself back, only through your own accord can you attain that reality of which your highest self awaits your arrival. The paths of others may occasionally cross with yours, or maybe even run parallel, but know that the path is yours and yours alone to travel. You owe it to yourself to live an authentic life, free of fear of what others may think. You are your own temple, practice living in your authentic truth. To end with yet another overly saturated but essential phrase, “the truth shall set you free.”